Moongates, 2024, assorted nylon, ripstop, vinyl, plastic bag, beeswaxed cotton, grommets, mahogany, 28" x 40" (each).
Created while in residence at Winslow House Project, these site-specific screens/shades/portals act as an iteration of a moongate. Thinking of Chinese garden architecture, as well as medieval castle walls, I questioned what an image/object/shape might look like if its purpose was to welcome the moon into a room. Wanting the install to be as non-invasive as possible, I took out the existing mesh screens and slotted the Moongates' wooden dowels to take the place of the screens. The materials used reference commemorative banners and mobiles that my grandparents make.
Moongate #1, ripstop, nylon, vinyl, mahogany, 28" x 40".
Moongate #2, ripstop, nylon, mahogany, 28" x 40".
Moongate #3, ripstop, nylon, plastic bag, mahogany, 28" x 40".
This Moongate incorporates a gift bag from the shop in San Francisco Chinatown where I bought the jade pendant used in pieces, Jade Donut and Untitled #3. When I looked closer at the bag, I realized the designs referenced the Daoist talismanic designs of October's I Ching and Hexagram 11.
Moongate #3, ripstop, nylon, mahogany, 28" x 40".
Moongate #3, ripstop, nylon, mahogany, 28" x 40".